finance · freedom

My top five passive income sources

It took me a lot of time to figure it out how the hell I could get my financial freedom. Each day I was going to my daytime work knowing ‘this isn’t right’. Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate the job I have and few years ago that was my dream job. But the… Continue reading My top five passive income sources

education · motivation

Want to be financially free? Make your research.

Some people are talented to make business. The rest can learn. I still remember when on my first year of primary school I opened a shop with my best friend. Yes, a shop. During breaks we would sell our little toys and other stuff which we would not use but still find valuable. Unfortunately our… Continue reading Want to be financially free? Make your research.

freedom · motivation · Uncategorized

What is financial freedom for you?

Have you ever though how would your life look like if money was no issue? If your thoughts are dominated by the idea of financial freedom but you still haven’t done anything with that, you’re in the right place! Financial independence has various meanings to different people. But there is one common attribute – time.… Continue reading What is financial freedom for you?